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“Hey boss,” Dave knocked gently, respectfully, “do you have a minute?” From behind his desk, Eli Moss glanced sharply at […]
Something must have gotten lost in translation. No, not literally. I don’t have any doubts about the Migration; test coverage showed […]
Dear Aiden, I hope this message reaches you safely. More importantly, I hope you are still in a state of mind to appreciate it. We haven’t heard much from your sector recently and don’t know if you have simply returned to hiding or if something is happened. Dear God, I hope it’s the former.
FJIN NETWORK NOTICE On the first of August, the entire FJIN Network will be undergoing scheduled maintenance. All Nodes currently connected to the Network will be temporarily disconnected for a period of seven (7) days. Your connection will be reestablished automatically when the maintenance is complete. During this time, you may experience several mild symptoms including confusion, nausea, a feeling of disconnection, and the inability to speak or process information. This is normal, and you must remember that it is only temporary while we upgrade the Network infrastructure.
Dear Citizen: According to our records, you have yet to receive the universal Upgrade provided through FJIN Labs. As of January 1st, this upgrade has been made mandatory to all citizens by law code 20938-38A. If our records still indicate that you have not yet received the Upgrade within ten (10) business days from the date stamped above, you may be liable to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, as outlined in law code 20938-38D.
I don’t have a lot of time. They’ll find me soon. My name is Aiden. That’s it, just Aiden. No last name. You might have heard of me on the news lately, if you still get the news in your area. Those of you reading this—those of you who care—are why I’ve momentarily stepped out of the shadows, however dangerous it may be.